You can cure cancer!

Cancer works like a raging, destructive fire that destroys our life and vitality. Many of us have friends and loved ones who suffer from the effects of this dreaded disease. My grandpa recently passed away after his energy and his body were destroyed by it. He died in slow motion. It was heartbreaking.

Maybe you have been recently diagnosed with some type of cancer.

Where will you find hope?

I hate that I have to tell you this, but you will not likely find much hope from the resident oncologist at your local hospital. Or any other conventional hospital for that matter.

What if your cancer is labeled “Terminal”? Then what?

You will probably be given any or all of three options: Chemotherapy. Radiation. Surgery.     Not very encouraging.

The truth is that whatever you may have heard about the safety and effectiveness of these treatments, they are not safe or effective.

The chemo five year survival rate has hovered around 3% for decades. If any thing, it has decreased.

Radiation often causes cancer, and “treating” cancer with it is like pouring gas on the fire.

Invasive surgeries sometimes spread the disease through the body, and into the blood stream.

But you do have options. Despite the maze of lies you may encounter, You can have hope. You do have options. Alternatives.

Important: I am not a medical doctor. The opinions you are reading are not intended to  substitute for advice from a licensed medical professional.

(The FDA says I have to put that there)

What are the most important things for you to do NOW?

#1 Food

What are you eating? This is actually one of the most important questions when you are trying to prevent or reverse your cancer. Think Fresh. Green. Increasing your fresh fruit and vegetable intake is a good start. What you eat matters.

#2 Stress

Stress can contribute to almost any kind of illness. Stress is a sign of some inner fear. What are you afraid of? Always remember that with our Heavenly Father by our side, we have nothing to fear. Turn to him for your hope.

#3 Water

Adequate hydration is absolutely vital to your health and survival. The minimum requirement for a healthy person is eight cups, or a half gallon per day.

#4 Environmental Toxicity

This can be tricky to deal with. Consider what in your personal environment may be causing stress for your body. This includes chemical pollution, as well as sources of radiation, such as microwaves, wifi hot spots, cell phones, etc.

#5 Pray

Faith in a higher power is always incredibly important. When your health is compromised, you need someone to trust through it all. Yahuwah, Our Heavenly Father and great physician, cares infinitely for you. He alone can heal you. Trust Him with your life every day.

In conclusion, You can have hope. You have a reason to live. You are valued. You must fight for your health. So be empowered.

This is just the beginning..

Visit Ty Bollinger at

2 thoughts on “You can cure cancer!

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      Exercise is extremely important, perhaps the most important thing you can do for you health, besides prayer. I will edit this post to integrate and emphasize exercise in a way that hopefully will be clearer.

      Liked by 1 person

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